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📢 Quizizz is New York Ed Law 2-D compliant, and School & District plans can be purchased through BOCES







Making learning engaging and accessible for every student — now with a boost from AI.     



















Making learning engaging and accessible for every student — now with a boost from AI.     

Plan in seconds,
not weekends.

Deliver instruction that’s relevant for every
student — now with a boost from AI.     

Save time with Quizizz AI

Create activities in seconds, support every learning style, and mine performance insights with just a click!

A Quizizz AI screen that shows three options for creating a quiz with Quizizz AI: text to quiz,  upload a file, and paste a link. There is a purple button at the bottom that says 'Generate a quiz'.



Upload your docs or PDFs, copy-paste text, or add links to public websites, and let Quizizz AI generate interactive quizzes in an instant!

A Quizizz AI screen that shows a drop-down menu with various options for enhancing a quiz. The options are: 'Make it sound like Yoda', 'Convert questions to real-world problems', and 'Add similar questions'.



Adapt activities to different learning needs with Quizizz AI. Enhance quizzes to make them more accessible, relevant, and fun for all students!

A Quizizz AI screen with the words 'Analyze with Quizizz AI  - Coming soon'



Let Quizizz AI crunch numbers to analyze reports, identify skill gaps, and offer personalized practice recommendations for every learner!

Quickly find or create anything in your curriculum

Prepare high-quality, interactive content in as little as two minutes.

Books Icon
Customizable content library

30M+ teacher-created activities spanning all grade levels and subjects

Pen to square Icon
Create, copy, or edit

Build from scratch, copy entire activities, or mix and match to meet students’ needs

Include and engage every student

Flexibly engage students at their own pace, from any device.

Purple Glasses Icon
Inclusive, accessible design

Enable Read Aloud for elementary and ELL students

Gamepad Icon
Gamification for good

A leaderboard, themes, music, and more to motivate students

A Quizizz screen that displays a true or false quiz question about Mars.A Quizizz menu that shows two options for hosting a quiz: student-paced and instructor-paced

Get data that’s easy to act on

The exact insights you need to make data-driven instruction a reality.

User Clock Icon
Real-time insights

Identify student’s needs and immediately adapt

Green Chart Icon
Snapshot reports

See overall class performance, the toughest question or topic, and individual progress


Beyond multiple choice


Beyond quizzes


Quizzes and Lessons

Algebra to Zoology

Subjects and Topics



Trusted by

20M+ Teachers Globally across 150+ Countries

Jakob Roth
Senior School Science and Mathematics Teacher
“Quizizz has helped me support students' understanding of key concepts and I use it as a method of formative assessment …. Quizizz keeps innovating and developing new teacher tools regularly which keeps it entertaining for all!”
Elise Ong
Japanese and Mathematics Teacher
“I use Quizizz to check for student understanding in an engaging and fun way. The students enjoy playing because they don't have to wait for others and they can do the quizzes at their own pace. They also like the answer explanations and the ability to study sets as flashcards.
Kristy Harrison
Senior School Social Science Teacher
“Quizizz is not only fun for the students, but is a great tool in formative assessment. We also love the paper option in our classroom, it avoids technical glitches and I get a chance to read the students' faces as they are looking at me and not peering at their screens!”
Kathryn Bennett
Science and Mathematics Teacher
“By incorporating Quizizz , I have noticed a significant increase in  participation and attentiveness. The competitive nature of quizzes not only motivates students to  participate but also encourages them prepare for the assessments, resulting in improved performance”
Mark Ivory
Japanese, Humanities and Religion Teacher
“I use Quizizz coz it’s pretty very nice for making practice tasks for the students which I can then do in class or as follow-up activities set for homework. It gives a flash report on progress and is easy to use.
Mary McEvilly Butler
St Finbarr’s Primary School
Quizizz has enabled us to engage and empower our students in learning. Through engaging teacher-created quizzes, we’ve monitored their progress effectively. This practice reinforces their learning and ignites enthusiasm by giving their work a real purpose and audience.”
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The best way to ask questions, explore ideas, and let students show what they know.

Start motivating students.In minutes.