Quizizz for [.yellow-heading]Science[.yellow-heading]

Enrich your classroom by adding engagement and excitement to your science curriculum.

Contact us to learn about using Quizizz across your curriculum.

Trusted by teachers in 90% of U.S. Schools

Quizizz Science Innovator

In just 10-15 minutes, this micro-course will give you top use cases and resources for science teachers.

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Reinforce your Science curriculum with tools for [.green-heading]growth, differentiation, and motivation[.green-heading]

[.extra-bold]Align lesson materials[.extra-bold]

[.font-18px]Districts and schools can align content and reports with State Standards, including CCSS and TEKS[.font-18px]

[.extra-bold]Easily integrate content[.extra-bold]

[.font-18px]Use the Math Editor to create equations and formulae for every type of science class.[.font-18px]

[.extra-bold]Track student data[.extra-bold]

[.font-18px]Access meaningful Data Reports, including Longitudinal Growth Graphs, to monitor progress over time.[.font-18px]

[.extra-bold]Personalize student scores[.extra-bold]

[.font-18px]Flexible Grading allows you to adjust point values to your preference and manually score short answers and extended responses.[.font-18px]

More Science [.blue-heading]teacher-approved[.blue-heading] features

15+ Different Question Types
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[.purple-heading]Science[.purple-heading] Templates

[.font-18px]Explore thousands of live and asynchronous teacher-created activities covering K-12 life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space sciences, and so much more. Use them as-is, mix and match from millions of other activities, or start from scratch.[.font-18px]

Whole-class live activities
Group work
Formative and summative assessment
Homework and more!
Whole-class live activities
Group work
Formative and summative assessment
Homework and more!
Whole-class live activities
Group work
Formative and summative assessment
Homework and more!
Whole-class live activities
Group work
Formative and summative assessment
Homework and more!
Whole-class live activities
Group work
Formative and summative assessment
Homework and more!

More State Tests

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See why teachers across the US [.red-heading]love Quizizz for Science[.red-heading]

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"[.red-bold]Since starting to use Quizizz for Science test review, I have seen more consistent scores and a growth in confidence in my students.[.red-bold] We have used it to review Newton's Laws of Motion, Force and Motion, Simple Machines, and so much more. Quizizz has become a staple in my classroom.”

Kaitlyn Gifford

5th Grade Teacher (Arizona)

“Our LAB-AIDS Science Curriculum is awesome, but the tests are painful and not engaging for students, so I use Quizizz to build new assessments over the material we cover in our units. [.blue-bold]I'm thankful the tools Quizizz offers encourages actual knowledge acquisition[.blue-bold] rather than offering punitive grades for lack of content knowledge on a particular day.”

Janelle Snyder

Middle School Teacher (Idaho)

Quizizz helps my students review important concepts, vocabulary and subject matter key ideas in a fun, game format. We can also take our time and explain why an answer is correct. We have studied [.blue-bold]Types of Clouds, Chemical vs. Physical Changes, Weather Instruments, Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets, and Sun as Stars[.blue-bold] to name a few. Each of these Quizizz activities have reinforced the objectives and key ideas in our Science lessons.

Tom Delisio

3rd and 4th Grade Intervention Specialist (Ohio)

“Displacement is a challenging concept at the beginning of the year for some of my physical science students. I found that Quizizz used [.yellow-bold]great visuals to help reinforce and practice with the concept[.yellow-bold]. I also used Quizizz to have percent yield and limiting reactant problems for students to review for an upcoming test.”

Angela Soelberg

High School Science Teacher (Nebraska)

“My students were learning about hearing, vision, and body systems. I gave them a Quizizz on the science terminology so that I could go straight to content with minimal vocabulary instruction. Each day for the first five minutes of the period when I took attendance, students completed Quizizz. [.yellow-bold]By the end of the week, they felt more confident with their knowledge of vocabulary[.yellow-bold], so they were able to focus on the content and be equipped for meaningful, successful conversations!”

Melissa Shields

EdTech Instructional Coach (California)

“Quizizz engages my students while providing me with data so I can address areas of weakness. For example, [.green-bold]I used Quizizz with my co-taught Biology class as a review before a test on DNA and discovered some misconceptions that resulted in re-teaching[.green-bold]. Using the platform also helps get students comfortable with computer-based testing.”

Rie Cowan

High School Science Teacher (Georgia)

“In Human Biology class, [.purple-bold]I used the Draw Question feature in Quizizz to have students illustrate the basic parts of neurons and then label the major parts of a synapse[.purple-bold], so it was a fun, game-like way to formatively assess and engage the class.”

Jessica Arthur

High School Science Teacher (North Carolina)

“Quizizz increases active engagement during lessons. [.green-bold]I had a great lesson on plate tectonics using a Quizizz while also using playdough to do hands-on models[.green-bold].”

Desiree Kilpatrick

8th Grade Science Teacher (Texas)
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[.white-color]Inspire every student to [.yellow-heading]master Science standards[.yellow-heading][.white-color]

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This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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How to customize formatting for each rich text